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Domain Name The unique name that identifies an Internet site. The Domain Name may contain up to 64 characters starting with an alphabetic character and containing only alphanumeric or '.' or '-' characters. Example:

Email Redirects will automatically forward mail received to your nominated e-mail address (usually the default POP of your ISP). This allows e-mail sent to several addresses to be stored and downloaded from the one location. This service includes an anti-spamming feature that will not forward mail where the recipient address is one of multiple addresses included in the BCC field (a typical characteristic of some, but not all, junk e-mail). If you feel this may filter out mail that you really want, you should use a POP mailbox rather than a redirect.

Quoted fees do not include any volume or service related charges associated with interactive facilities such as Shopping Trolleys and customised CGI programs. Quoted fees include up to 1 hour Web Page design time by Planet HomePage, at no charge, if site is limited to stock or client supplied images and minimal text. Additional work may be charged at the standard design rate.

Secure Socket Layer allows users to collect data, such as credit card information, in a secure environment. Information submitted via a secure form is sent to the server in an encrypted mode. Users may choose to research methods such as encrypted e-mail (PGP), CyberCash, or other solution for retrieving such information from their Web sites.

Shopping Trolley is a program which allows you to implement your own on-line store-front. The shopping cart keeps track of what visitors have ordered and allows them to add or remove items from a virtual shopping cart. When a visitor decides to check-out, the order information, including the buyer's name, address and billing instruction is e-mailed to the site Webmaster and a receipt is sent to the shopper. Note: available for fully featured sites as this feature requires that your site be enabled for custom CGI.

Simple Update refers to editing existing text content (up to 200 words) and replacing existing images with new images.

Text may be supplied in electronic or printed form. Electronic form is preferred, no responsibility is accepted for transcription errors.

Images may be supplied in GIF or JPEG format or in printed form for scanning. Additional design, drawing, image enhancement or manipulation work will be charged at prevailing rates. This does not cover expansion of the page to include new material, or the incorporation of extra pages into the site.

Standard Page refers to a page containing up to 200 words of text and up to 2 images with standard navigational links where appropriate.

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